My name is Ulises Mariano Melgarejo, and I’m currently looking for a job in a Tech Company. I have been preparing myself for about 2 years now. I’m currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Science, Applied Technology. I have worked with teams applying agile techniques, being SCRUM the most important one. I consider myself someone easy to treat, a team player, and someone willing to learn anything
Here there are some more info about my career
Download CVI design and develop fullstack websites.
I am currently getting into testing and already have some experience.
I am currently working hard on creating APIs with Javascript and Python.
I have been studying and practicing to be a web developer for over a year now, it has been wild but I love it! Now I will explain some of my projects:
Quiz Chaco: me and my team completed this project in which we made a game using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, SQLite3, Python, Django, and Javascript.
Weather App: an App in which you can choose a city and see its weather. HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript had been used.
Dry Oar Rafting Page: This page was created to practice using wireframes, grid and some bootstrap.
Contact form: a functional Contact form. HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.
If you have any suggestion or project, please send me an email and let's get started.